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The book that we began to read was very interesting. From the different topics covered in each chapter, arose questions about teaching and just living in society in general. As a teacher, I was fascinated with the Giving An A chapter. I really don't view it as giving an A ever, those involved still have to earn the A, but only by following directions. In projects, (for the most part), you need directions that will guide students in learning. By giving directions or outlines, you are not limiting the creativity of students, unless you pinpoint exactly how they need to do something. Its better to give an overview then step by step in these types of situations. This also got me thinking about offering examples of work to students to gain insight. Does this limit their creativity by putting an idea in their head and then jumping off from there or does it help students to be even more creative and use that example as a spring board to expand from. For me as a student, I would personally want to see examples first. I think seeing these examples allows my creativity to start flowing when I see the creativity of others. I think for each person it differs. All I know is that I will never just give an A, my students would earn it in some fashion or another.
It's unfortunate that the book editors decided to use the phrase "Giving an A" because when one reads the narrative Zander had his students write out way they deserved the A and thus they had to live up to their own commitment. He changed his role as instructor from judge to coach. It is important to clearly define the expectations and requirements so that grades don't seem so arbitrary. Even better when the requirements and expectations are the students' idea.